
Android users admit secret lust for iPhone

Networks & Network Services
Android-based smartphone sales may be up but a new survey has found many owners still harbour secret desires for Apple’s iPhone.

Latest sales figures have shown a rise in sales of more than 1000% over the past 12 months but despite this, a poll by mobile comparison website, found that Android owners were four times more likely to covet an iPhone than vice versa.

Almost a third of Android owners admitted to longing after an iPhone, whilst just seven per cent of iPhone users stated they’d prefer an Android model.

The survey also revealed that more than half of men who didn’t own a smartphone would opt for an iPhone as their first model. Less than a fifth of non-smartphone users planned on purchasing an Android.

And it seems much of the public may not be aware what an Android based smartphone actually is with a mere 16% of respondents stating they'd most like to own one. This may come as a surprise given that an estimated 40% of smartphones sold this quarter run Android.

Just three per cent of respondents declaring the recently launched Windows Phone 7 their most wanted model.

The survey revealed marked differences in the way men and women choose a smartphone. Perhaps unsurprisingly men were revealed to be more tech savvy than women with only seven per cent unaware of what the term ‘smartphone’ meant, compared to 18% of women.

Women were found to be particularly strong supporters of the iPhone, with nearly three quarters of those surveyed stating it was the most desirable model.

iPhone owners were revealed as the most dependant on their phone with more than two thirds stating they couldn’t manage without their smartphone compared to just 29% of Android users.

And it seems Apple’s marketing machine has impacted on BlackBerry users with more than half of them stating that they preferred Apple’s offering to their own.

A spokesman from said the striking results highlighted the strength of the iPhone brand.

He said: “Apple has done a terrific job of making the iPhone an object of desire over the past few years and it’s still on most peoples’ wish lists.

"Android still faces a lack of recognition among consumers, especially women. For example, many consumers may want a HTC Desire HD, yet are unaware that it’s running Android software.”

He added: “I think the biggest problem Android based smartphones face is that they’re constantly playing catch up to the iPhone. Every time Apple does something new the competition follow which makes the iPhone always seem the most innovative product.

“I think it’s telling that so many Android owners desire, yet don’t own an iPhone, which I believe points to price being the prohibitive factor.”

He concluded: “It will be interesting to see how consumer opinion changes when UK customers have had time to get to grips with the new Windows Phone 7 and with many new phones set to flood the market in future years, the iPhone will have to fight hard to maintain its position as the most desirable phone in the world.”