Klaus Allion, Managing Director, ANT Telecom, says, “Lone working has a particular resonance in manufacturing arenas in Scotland such as energy, oil and gas, chemical plants and distilleries. In these disparate environments, employees are often required to work on-site at the isolated extremes of production plants, or off-site in the seclusion of the field. Yet whilst physically they may appear cut off from the rest of the world, companies cannot afford for lone workers to be disconnected from the rest of the workforce; they must be available any time, any place anywhere and of course be protected at all times. Our lone worker solution has proven highly valuable to our existing clients in Scotland; we recognised its particular appeal to similar organisations and wanted to invest in the region accordingly.”
Sheila Gilbertson commented “I am delighted to join the ANT Telecom team to build upon the excellent work that they have already done in the region and to maintain the strong relationships they have built with their existing clients.”