Apple has approved Spotify's iPhone app, enabling millions of handset owners to gain unlimited access to the music service on the move.
Apple's rulling on the app has been eagerly anticipated as many see Spotify as a rival to Apple's dominant music store iTunes. Spotify has proved hugely popular in the UK since it launched in and commands around 8 million unique users in Europe. It's also expected to take the US by storm when it launches later this year.
Spotify founder Daniel Ek told the BBC: "We're not surprised but we're thrilled. We had a great dialogue with Apple from day one."
The app will be available to premium subscribers who pay £10 a month for an ad free version of Spotify. The company is expecting a sharp rise in premium subscribers, which would decrease its reliance on ad revenue.
Apple's approval system has come under scrutiny of late as several high profile apps have been rejected of late and Facebook's iPhone app developer called for the approval process to be scrapped.