The Top 3 toys on the Xmas wishlist for children, according to a survey by Duracell, are iPhone 4, iPod Touch and then iPad. Apple has total domination of smartphone and smart tablet youth market with Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry absent.
Mark Mason, marketing expert and CEO of Mubaloo, a UK smartphone app developer, said: “This is a strong indication about the sheer proliferation of smartphones across the UK in 2011. Apps for smartphones are the next big thing.”
In the adult market, the majority of consumers said they wanted an Apple iPhone over the alternatives, in the same report. The iPhone, known for being user friendly as well as the gadget-lover’s smartphone of choice, is the platform for which most apps are developed.
The app development industry is one of the fastest growing in the UK, attracting huge corporations and individual consumers alike. Mubaloo, based in London, Bristol and New York has grown from four to 40 staff in 12 months.