Applegarth’s managing director David Marsden explained: “Since our launch in 2001, we have been dedicated to presenting customers with the most efficient yet affordable products in the market. Aastra is one of the leading phone system providers in Europe and is recognised to be number one in the sub 100 extension market by MZA, so naturally their products have been paramount throughout.”
Working with sister company Applegarth IT, the group now provides full integration in the supply and support of telephony and computer systems, with engineers fully trained to the highest possible technical standard.
Michael Calvert, general manager for Aastra UK acknowledged: “The Applegarth team is totally committed to the Aastra brand and products, highlighting why we feel they are deserving of the status.
“Parallel to this is the group’s loyalty to Microsoft, and the relationship built between the brands – thanks to Applegarth’s integrated solutions – has shown customers how the two can complement each other.
“We can now reward Applegarth’s dedication by offering a number of privileges that accompany Gold Plus Status. David will also be invited to our exclusive quarterly forum where he can meet with manufacturers to discuss the design features of forthcoming products, helping to ensure their clients’ requirements are satisfied.”
Mardsen added: “This really is great news for us – we are delighted to be one of only six companies in the UK to achieve this standard. It should reinforce our client’s confidence that they are buying a reputable, leading edge product, from a dedicated and experienced team.
“The past 12 months have seen significant developments for the company, and I feel the Gold Plus Status, and the closer working relationship we will now have with Aastra, will help to further cement our plans for the future. Everyone strives to be the best in their industry and this accolade definitely places Applegarth in that light.”