Anyone with a UK mobile phone can make money with AQA2U by becoming a publisher at the website. It is free, simple and quick to set up, the company stated. Publishers create topics for people to subscribe to, market these topics to their followers, and then start writing content. AQA2U sends their content out to subscribers using premium text, giving publishers the majority share of net revenue received. With no set up costs and with only 25 subscribers, a publisher can make £275 per year. With 250 subscribers, a publisher can make £3,000 a year.
Colly Myers, CEO, commented: “AQA2U is web 2.0 with a business model. It puts texts, alerts, updates and offers from anyone who’s got something to say, into the hands of followers who are passionate enough to part with a few pounds per month. We already know people will pay for this, as we get many thousands of texts to AQA 63336 asking the same types of questions time and time again.”
Core features of AQA2U are: AQA2U drives revenue. AQA2U receives about 12p per text delivered to a subscriber. AQA2U gives the majority of this to the publisher, ranging from 7-9p depending on volume, who also have the option of donating this revenue to charity. Charities who set up as publishers receive 12p.
AQA2U is simple to set up and use. Publishers can typically set up their account and be ready to write content within two hours. Publishers can enter content themselves, or authorise administrators and authors for their account. Content can be entered on the website, or texted straight from a phone to AQA2U. As long as the content meets AQA2U publishing policy standards, it’s then sent out in a text message to their subscribers.
AQA2U is easy to market. With just small groups of subscribers, publishers make money. It is simple to market via word of mouth; all people need to do to subscribe to a topic is text the topic’s name to 63336. Subscribers pay £1 to subscribe to a topic, thereafter they’ll pay 25p per text, and no more than £3.50 per month for the texts.
AQA2U protects consumers. AQA2U ensures subscribers aren’t bombarded with texts, limiting it to 14 texts per month, per topic. All content delivered by AQA2U has to meet the standards set by the AQA2U publishing policy, ensuring subscribers aren’t sent offensive or inappropriate content. Subscribers will never be spammed.
Colly Myers continued: “We’re confident of rapid growth as even small publishers who get a few people to subscribe start making money, and all publishers have a vested interest to market their topics. We’ve got over two million customers with AQA 63336 in five years, so we’re confident of getting two million subscribers in the next five years with AQA2U, delivering 20 million texts per month from publishers.”