You might think you are saving your organisation a lot of money by investing in a call logger and indeed you are. But is your call logger integrated with call recording? Or even better, is the call logger integrated with both call recording and quality monitoring software? The combination of these solutions is guaranteed to save your company some hard earned cash!
Whilst a call logger gives you the cost of a call, it does not tell you why the call was made and what was discussed during that call. This is where the call recorder becomes indispensable, verifying the content of the call. Was it really necessary to call a certain number, perhaps an expensive number, or could the call had been shorter or even avoided? Is someone in your organisation constantly calling the same number when maybe a cheaper option is available? With call recording you can find out the true reasons behind a call.
By combining the call logger with call recording, considerable amounts of money can be saved by a company. Introducing call recording will undoubtedly assist any size company with avoiding problems associated with inaccurate order taking, lost delivery details or disputes concerning pricing.
However, even more money can be saved and productivity improved by simply investing in staff performance monitoring software.
Many benefits can be reaped by introducing quality monitoring and evaluation of staff telephone performance. By listening to and monitoring staff, areas of weaknesses and strengths can easily be pinpointed.
Most importantly, you can identify lost sales opportunities and your staff can be trained accordingly! Training needs can be more targeted, without wasting any training budget and the induction process of new staff becomes shorter as they can listen to real recordings and become knowledgeable quicker.
Productivity can be improved and further money saved, when competent staff can handle more calls and bring down call duration. Efficient and confident staff are in general happier in their work environment saving companies expensive recruitment and induction costs. Likewise, high performers can be identified and structured career paths introduced, ensuring valuable staff stay with the organisation!
Last but not least, call recording and quality monitoring will ensure that money is not lost unnecessarily on disputes and complaints. Protecting business interests by proving ‘who said what’ in a dispute can be vital, saving an organisation precious time and money.