ariesoGEO is the world’s first probeless geo-location solution for Huawei UMTS networks. This forms part of Arieso’s programme of continuous enhancement for ariesoGEO in response to customer needs.
ariesoGEO is now deployed in a European operator’s Huawei-based network, using the network’s real time data to provide a customer centric understanding of network performance. With detailed knowledge of which services are used in which locations, engineers can optimise the network configuration for an improved customer experience.
ariesoGEO uses data transmitted by mobiles in the normal course of conducting a call and requires no additional hardware, such as GPS in handsets or network located probes, to provide real time or historical analysis.
“It is part of our strategy to make the unique capabilities of ariesoGEO available for every network in the world,” said Shirin Dehghan, CEO, Arieso. “Working with real time data generated by 100% of mobile subscribers, regardless of the type of network infrastructure equipment used, provides the ubiquitous solution operators are looking for as they seek to increase efficiencies and cut costs.”