Arguably it is actually more profitable for those using them. Ranging from 4 or 5 pence per minute at all times for the consumer, 0844 takes out the sharp rise and fall created by evenings and weekends.
"We have seen a significant and growing request for new 0844 prefixed numbers and hear a lot of misconceptions" states Sarah Godfrey (Sales Manager, 4D Telecom Ltd). "This has in part been generated by the hype being given out about the OFCOM proposals but our advice to clients is to consider their plans for future changes now.
Securing the best 0844 non-geographic numbers in terms of fit and compatibility are the first key steps. Inevitably, many will be unaware of the forthcoming changes or leave it too late but the smart ones will act now and secure the best of 0844".
0844 is widely accepted among the UK public and the tariffs are, in fact, more beneficial during the day time than those currently being charged under 0870. This can be a very positive marketing message if explained clearly and up front. If tackled now, the changes can be positive for consumer and organisations alike.