"Following a thorough strategic review, not only of our relationship with T-Mobile but across all levels of the business, we feel that 2009 should see all of our efforts placed squarely on top-tier, business-to- business telecoms and airtime provision," explains Andy Tow, Avenir Telecom's recently appointed Managing Director. "With this in mind, we have decided to cease our existing relationship with T- Mobile, which will allow us to focus our energies even further on our relationships with other operators.
"As I stated when I joined Avenir Telecom, this is not a company known for sitting back and watching the market develop around it. On the contrary, Avenir is the dictionary definition of an industry leader and is well known for taking bold steps. We were one of the pioneers of B2B mobile telecoms more than ten years ago, and we'll continue to lead the field in 2009."
"This year will see our partnerships with all key operators deepening significantly, a stream of new services, and - while we continue to ramp up activities within the IT reseller market - we'll remain dedicated to delivering maximum profitability and maximum value to our client base of high-quality, value-driven mobile dealers."
Tow joined Avenir Telecom on 01 December 2008 having set up the new Mobile Managed Services division of Data Select. He was previously CEO of Unique Distribution. "I am spending my first months at Avenir travelling the country to meet our clients face to face and have been fascinated and inspired by what I've learned," he explains. "We've always been in a rapidly evolving industry and, as global economic conditions change almost daily, we're at the start of a very dynamic period in which I have ambitious plans for Avenir Telecom. These will all be underpinned by our close, consultative client relationships, and the strength of our partnerships with the UK's key telecoms operators."