At its recent Partner Summit in New Orleans, Cisco announced that licenses for its WebEx Meeting Centre solution would now be available for its partners to take to market for the first time. The Cisco WebEx Meeting Center enables users to share applications, presentations, documents, or a PC desktop in real-time and work with colleagues remotely. It has rapidly built a reputation for providing easy, affordable and practical group conferencing and collaboration capabilities.
WebEx Meeting Center licences can now be sold by Cisco Select Partners and resellers with Cisco Small Business or Foundation Express specialisations. WebEx offers a 12 month licences for unlimited number of meetings with up to 25 participants , who can access the conference via PC, smartphone or tablet PC and including video streaming as well. The WebEx solution can also scale up to meet the needs of enterprise customers and, as it is a hosted service, no up-front investment from the reseller is required. This means Cisco Partners can offer the service and add a valuable revenue stream to their business without risk.
Joel Chimoindes, Unified Communications Director at Azlan, said: “By making WebEx Meeting Centre available to all its partners, Cisco is presenting resellers with an excellent opportunity. WebEx is a proven enterprise technology and provides all the tools and capabilities needed for effective collaboration of virtual teams – Cisco Partners can now offer the same benefits to their small business customers. As no up-front capital expenditure is required, WebEx is very affordable, so it has an even stronger appeal in the SME market. With Cisco WebEx, resellers can open up a new and very margin-rich revenue stream and drive additional training and services business as well. There are no barriers to entry and Azlan will provide them with all the education and support they need to take WebEx to market.”
Azlan says it has invested in additional resources to support resellers in the UC and voice market and is working with Cisco to recruit, train and enable partners who want to open up the massive potential for unified communications, conferencing and collaboration solutions.