The mobile service will encompass management of the entire Connaught mobile estate, including the continuous evaluation of operational expenditure, operator tariffs, and the latest mobile technologies, ensuring that Connaught maintains a lean, agile and competitive IT communications strategy.
Lucien Wynn, group IS director for Connaught, commented: “Our partnership with Azzurri is proving essential to managing and scaling our IT communications platform in correlation with a five year growth strategy that will see Connaught double in size by 2012. Already benefiting from the commercial efficiencies and technical agility that Azzurri’s VNO model enables in fixed telecoms, we wanted to identify how we could better take advantage of their ICT expertise and innovation.
“When our existing mobile operator contract was due for renewal, we brought in Azzurri to evaluate and consult upon our mobile estate,” he continued. “In doing so, it became clear that their resource and knowledge of the industry would enable us to consolidate further and leverage improved service and greater cost savings.”
Contracted to manage and provide consultancy for Connaught’s entire mobile operations, Azzurri will oversee a two year deal with mobile operator O2 and undertake detailed analysis to ensure that Connaught benefits from the most advantageous tariffs for the business.
The contract is due for renewal in 2011.