Azzurri One is a fully managed service that combines an organisation's whole communications estate on to one managed platform with one fixed monthly bill.
Martin St Quinton, CEO, Azzurri Communications comments: "We appreciate what a challenge it is for organisations to manage all of their communications requirements effectively. With many suppliers and their subsequent bills to manage, budget control becomes almost impossible."
The idea for Azzurri One developed after years of carrying out audits at UK companies. Azzurri has audited 1,200 corporate UK customers with a combined telecoms spend of £300m per year, identifying £60m worth of achievable savings. Azzurri One audits the whole communications infrastructure, successfully identifying where savings can be made and then deploying all of a company's needs on to one platform, totally removing the need for numerous suppliers, complex billing and almost impossible management.
New customers to Azzurri One initially undergo a simple audit of their entire communications infrastructure. Azzurri then provides a full report on where cost savings can be made, before deploying the company's communications needs through one single supplier and one fixed cost bill.