Bates is returning to Basingstoke having previously worked in Computer 2000’s VAR business unit between 1993 and 1995. He went on to spend four years in distribution sales at Open Computing (now openPSL), eighteen months in enterprise sales at Sybase and four years with database tools vendor, Embarcadero Technologies, where he played the pivotal role in developing the company’s EMEA-wide channel. Latterly, he has been running his own specialist sales consultancy.
Bates is optimistic about Azlan’s prospects. “I’m delighted to be back in distribution. This is a positive and vibrant working environment and the sense of optimism and determination here is invigorating. Azlan has very high standards and an enviable reputation in the market. It is also very ambitious and I am very excited about being given the opportunity to play a part in those plans and helping Azlan to achieve its goals.”