Bernard Parsons, CEO at Becrypt said, “We are delighted to be included in NATO’s catalogue. As the very first and, so far, only UK supplier to be recognised for providing these software encryption capabilities, it highlights our innovative approach to working with the industry to attain the very highest standards in security. Building on the work we have done with the CESG, our latest achievement offers huge commercial potential for us. It opens up new markets outside the UK and gives purchasers the confidence that the product they are buying has an assurance to protect their data wherever they are.”
A spokesman for CESG said, “We are pleased to see the first CPA-certified product on the NATO catalogue. By evaluating commercial off-the-shelf security products against strong standards, CPA gives assurance that its Foundation Grade products help to keep UK data safe in cyberspace - a key aim of the Government's Cyber Security Strategy. Inclusion on the catalogue means this security product is now available for purchase by all 28 NATO countries directly. It’s great to see a UK company being recognised outside its home territory and we congratulate Becrypt on their latest achievement.”