Raising funds for well-known disability charity Scope, Beeston’s current total including Gift Aid stands at £949, smashing his original target of £500.
On the day, the Great British weather definitely did not disappoint, with the torrential rain causing the course to shorten by 14 miles due to safety reasons. However, despite the harsh weather conditions and an unforeseen tyre puncture, Beeston completed the circuit in a respectable five and a half hours.
Richard Beeston, Product Director for Partner Services at Daisy Wholesale, comments: “Although I completed the race in five hours and 30 minutes, I was actually out there for an extra hour due to a puncture that I got whilst cycling past Hamden Court. It most definitely was not part of the plan and it saw me have to jump over the fence to get some mechanical support.
“As my first attempt at a course of this distance, I am delighted with the result, especially all the sponsorship donations that I have received too. When I initially set the target of £500, I never expected that I would raise more, never mind double! So I would like to say a massive thank you to all those who have donated so far.”
Donations are still welcome via Beeston’s online fundraising page - www.virginmoneygiving.com/RichardBeeston2.