New Sales for November were more than 11% up on the previous best set in August 2008. The November bounty included some key wins for data networks within the private and public sector as well as some significant gains through the traditional voice channel. To round matters off Adept also secured their first lucrative M2M Sim contract with a deal to provide the country’s leading provider of vehicle telematics with SIMs for 5000 trucks.
Sales Director Joe Murphy has attributed the result to a concerted push to widen Adept’s product range. “We’ve graduated from a calls and lines business to a fully fledged convergence player within the last 9 months”. It was only a matter of time before all the hard work paid off. We are estimating a contract value haul of around £1.2M from November, this is spread nicely across a number of customers and perhaps more significantly, a number of products.
We are going into 2011 with our tails up; we have real ability throughout the business and a shared goal. Our recent deal with BT Wholesale to sell VoIP for Business will give us enhanced scope to exploit the growing demand for IP.”