Currently few of the large power solutions companies offer leasing, however many customers would see leasing as a more viable solution than purchasing. Acquiring a high power UPS system, although essential, can be a strain on cash flow especially in the current financial climate. Borri’s selection of leasing options allows companies to gain critical emergency power for their IT systems without stressing their relationship with the bank manager.
In recent news articles the UK government have been discussing the potentially disastrous outcome of ‘regular’ power cuts in the UK. From site surveys Borri have carried out if this was to happen, many companies operations would come to an abrupt halt, a halt which has been known to lead to total closure due to cash flow being terminally interrupted.
These problems can be overcome with a cost effective solution in leasing. Borri can offer a 60kVA uninterruptible power supply for as little as £52 per week over a 3 year term. Under the leasing scheme Borri can also include standby diesel generator sets with a full installation and design service.
Borri are offering leasing on all uninterruptible power supplies and generators they currently sell. Power leasing solutions are available for anything between 10kVA, for small UPS, up to 2.5MVA for the larger UPS & generator combinations. Maintenance is included on all leasing options thus giving the client peace of mind. A free site consultancy is available for any potential contract with a value over £5000 ensuring the best possible solution is achieved.
Borri are always looking to take innovative strides in the power solutions industry giving their customers the best possible solution both technically and financially. The package Borri offer shows how innovation remains high, as one package can cover all your emergency power needs. This can include a UPS system, generator and installation, all supported by a single point of contact 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.