The carrier says Cable & Wireless Brand in a Box reduces the complexity and cost of launching a branded wholesale voice solution. It incorporates all the elements required to provide a full telecommunications service, including billing systems, fault reporting and customer care processes. The solution is backed by comprehensive service level agreements, highly competitive call rates and a service helpdesk.
Cable & Wireless add that Brand in a Box provides all requisite call routing and network access based on Cable & Wireless’ indirect access, carrier pre-selection and wholesale line rental network services. All back-office system vendor relationships are managed by Cable & Wireless, allowing service providers to concentrate on building their customer relationships, managing promotions, setting competitive tariffs, developing value-added services and strengthening their own brand product portfolio.
By standardising systems and incorporating processes into a turnkey solution, Cable & Wireless can lower the cost of entry for any virtual network providers who want to launch their own telecom services. The product can also be customised to customer preferences, enabling the provider to create integrated service branding.
Alan Whelan, managing director, Carrier Services, Cable & Wireless, said: “Cable & Wireless is a leader in the branded telephony market. We developed Cable & Wireless Brand in a Box in response to customer feedback, to offer service providers a real opportunity to move into the telecoms market at reduced financial risk and with just one contract.”