The Brand-Rex solution, 10GPlus, comprises a full range of shielded and unshielded cables, jacks, panel and patch cords, introducing - for the first time ever - a new and unique ‘reuleaux’ shaped UTP cable. This shape was chosen to minimise the cable’s diameter whilst fully addressing the issues of alien cross-talk (AXT) that has been the achilles heel for many early systems launched into the market, whereby adjacent cables can electrically interfere with each other, impacting performance. The higher frequency spectrum over which 10Gb Ethernet operates magnifies the importance of this issue.
The Brand-Rex 10GPlus range is supported by a new family of connectivity products that also meet the new Class EA requirements. Compatible with standard 19in racks and cabinets, the new Brand-Rex snap-in-jack panel incorporates features designed to enhance reliability and performance. These features include optimum jack orientation to improve contact reliability, and a pre-assembled detachable management bar for easy cable management.