"Broadband speed and performance has been a considerable problem with broadband providers for sometime now," commented Mark Jackson, Editor-in-Chief of www.ISPreview.co.uk. "This issue will keep rearing its ugly head so long as ISPs continue to raise high consumer expectations through unrealistic marketing and confusion over headline rates. If a particular ISP has proven time and time again that it can not deliver the performance promised then it should not promote it in such a way as to suggest it can."
Jackson concluded, "Recent efforts by Ofcom have gone a long way towards setting industry standards on how broadband speeds should be advertised, although these are only voluntary and could easily be flouted. It is our sincere hope that future next-generation fibre (FTTx) broadband services do not make the problem worse by promoting even higher rates while at the same time delivering something dramatically slower. Ofcom should seek to prevent this from happening before the situation arises and not after."