Inclarity is experiencing significant uptake in orders for broadband telephony as corporate telecommunications usage shifts from the traditional fixed switchboard world of PBX systems to IP Centrex services that offer hosted broadband telephony. Using IP Centrex-based services, traditional switchboard functions are replaced by 'virtual' switchboards and extensive call management options are easily controlled by the individual.
Catherine Beatty, manager at Aizlewood's Mill, said: "We have 59 offices accommodating over 250 people and each can now subscribe to VoIP to obtain better call quality and greater reliability. The real benefits are the associated services, especially enabling people to take their office phone home, plug it into their home broadband and still continue to use it as the office phone because their work number can now ring at home. They can have a second handset at home on the same number or even have a softphone running on their PC."
Broadband telephony services in Sheffield are being pioneered by Wired Workplace, the system provider that deployed the Inclarity service for Aizlewood's Mill. Management, accessibility and control is provided using secure web pages, so that any maintenance or engineering support can be carried out off site.
Bob Cushing, chief executive of Wired Workplace, said: "The system can be diverted and then used from anywhere where there is a broadband connection. The user defines how the number is presented and controlled. The handset can be plugged in anywhere in the building or to any Broadband connection and the system then finds it and directs calls to and from it. It is also a great boon for home workers who will no longer pay for calls back into work/office."
"Business centre environments are perfect for broadband telephony because it is relatively straightforward and quick to set up. Plus it delivers the flexibility that many smaller companies are looking for," said Paul Beaumont, chief operating officer at Inclarity. "Confidence is now high amongst business users that broadband telephony is delivering on all of its promises and gives tangible operational benefits."
Inclarity say their broadband telephony is a business-grade VoIP broadband service that reduces legacy telephone lines and makes the PBX redundant. Calls are handled centrally and the switchboard is actually a software application hosted on Inclarity's own IP Centrex switch, providing advanced functionality without the need to own or lease a PBX. Additionally, the service offers free between-branch calls, unified dialling between remote locations and reduced calling rates to all destinations.