Sir Christopher Bland, Chairman, said: “I am delighted that Maarten van den Bergh has agreed to accept this key role. Maarten has extensive business experience in executive and non-executive capacities, which will be invaluable as we continue to transform our business.”
“Tony Greener joined the BT Board in October 2000 and became Joint Deputy Chairman on 1 January 2001 and Deputy Chairman on 19 July 2001. He has made a very significant contribution to the development of Group strategy and to meeting the significant challenges that have faced BT in the past few years. The support, advice and guidance he has given the company, and me, during this period as Deputy Chairman, and as chairman both of the Audit and Remuneration Committees, cannot be overestimated. We are really grateful to Tony.”
Maarten van den Bergh was appointed to the BT Board on 1 September 2000. He chairs the Pension Scheme Performance Review Group, and sits on the Audit, Nominating and Remuneration Committees. He is chairman of the Akzo Nobel Supervisory Board and a non-executive director of British Airways and Royal Dutch Shell, and former chairman of Lloyds TSB Group.
Prior to his retirement in July 2000, Maarten was president of the Royal Dutch Petroleum Company and vice chairman of its committee of managing directors from July 1998, having been appointed a managing director of the Royal Dutch Shell Group of companies in July 1992. A Dutch national, he is aged 64.