This message was delivered by BT’s Chairman Sir Michael Rake, addressing shareholders at the company’s annual general meeting at the Barbican Centre in London.
Sir Michael acknowledged that the company's 2008/09 financial year had been a difficult one. Whilst three of the company’s four market facing divisions (BT Retail, BT Wholesale and Openreach) had delivered well, the performance of BT Global Services had been unacceptable and led to the company making a number of substantial charges. Sir Michael said that improving the performance of BT Global Services was a key priority.
Turning to regulation, Sir Michael committed BT to fighting for fairer markets. He said that BT must be able to invest and compete in any other country in the same unrestricted manner in which non-UK companies can invest and compete here. In the UK he reminded shareholders that BT has invested billions of pounds in its network, which it makes available to all communications providers on a fair and equal basis. He said it was vital that others also share their assets on a fair and equal basis. In particular, he welcomed Ofcom’s proposals to address distortions in the Pay TV market but called on the regulator to act swiftly to enforce fair access to premium TV content.