In total BT and BT Infonet were ranked “Best in Class” in 16 of the report’s 32 key categories. BT Infonet was ranked the industry’s best in Value for Money, Support in Local Language, 24 Hour Transparent Maintenance, Understanding Customer Requirements, Understandable Tariffs, Adequate Data Throughput, General Helpdesk Provision and Single Point of Contact. BT was ranked highest in Network Availability, Notification of Network Problems, Technical Support, Accurate Bills, International Installations, Long Term Relationship, Bills in the Currency of Choice, 3rd Party Equipment Integration. In addition, BT exceeded the benchmark standard in all of the Top 10 most important attributes, with three 'Outstanding' ratings and one 'Excellent' rating for Network Availability within the Top 10. Outside the Top 10, BT achieved a further four 'Excellent' ratings- Accurate Bills, Geographical Reach end to end, Long Term Relationship and 3rd party Equipment Integration.
“We continue to take great pride in our overall ‘Best in Class’ award,” said Jose A. Collazo, chief executive officer of BT Infonet. “Our customer care teams do a tremendous job of exceeding expectations – as evidenced by our surpassing the industry’s benchmark for ‘Understanding Customer Requirements’ by more than 20%. I’m proud to share this honor with the entire BT Infonet organization.”
“We place great importance in exceeding customer expectations and we continually strive for excellence” said Roel Louwhoff, president, Customer Services, BT Global Services. “This recognition serves as testimony to our consistent and increasing focus on customer satisfaction."
Dr. Kerry Tomlinson, managing author of Telemark’s MDNS benchmarking report said: "BT and BT Infonet’s continued success in the Telemark reports is a testament to their commitment to customers. Both organisations have increased their customer satisfaction ratings while progressing with integration plans, something not easily achieved."