The services will include the provision of a flexible converged fixed and mobile voicemail service, a new messaging platform for BT corporate customers, and the provision of a celebrity voice that will be used in conjunction with the BT Text Messaging Service.
The new converged fixed and mobile voicemail service will enable BT mobile and fixed line callers to leave a voice message across a choice of phones - landline and associated mobiles - as well as the ability to access voicemail from either type of device.
This service will also utilise comprehensive speech recognition for the first time and will also incorporate features such as Call Return.
The new messaging platform for BT's corporate customers will enable BT to offer the specific voicemail services required by business users. The service will be an integrated element of BT's Voice and Multi Media Platform that provides converged voice and data services for major corporate clients.
The third contract involves enhancements to the BT fixed line Text Service first implemented by Unisys in 2004. The enhancements to include allowing customers to hear the very familiar voice of a TV celebrity on text to speech conversions of text messages that are sent to BT phones that are not SMS enabled.
Under these new contracts, Unisys will provide implementation services from concept/design through to implementation. Unisys provides a managed service for all of BT's consumer voice and text messaging services and platforms.