BT Global Services, BT’s networked IT services division, will upgrade Debenhams’ computer networks that connect 159 stores across the UK and Ireland, distribution centres and data centres. The network, which transmits sales and stock order details from Debenhams’ stores to its head office and supply chain centres around the UK, will be up to 16 times faster, allowing the retailer to roll-out new computer applications, communicate faster and gain longer term business benefits from this new strategic technology platform.
As well as upgrading the retailer’s wide area network (WAN) using high-speed 'Ethernet in the first mile' technology, BT will also provide new network management tools, which will monitor systems to help ensure that links to Debenhams’ tills, supply chain systems and transactional database are always running. It will also identify any areas of the computer network that are performing poorly, so that they can be fixed quickly.
Steve Kircher, IT director, at Debenhams, said: “It’s a fundamental requirement for retailers to have IT systems that are always available – transmitting vital sales, transactions and information around the business.
“By future-proofing and closely monitoring our IT networks, Debenhams will not only be able to communicate faster and more efficiently, we will also be able to stay ahead of competition and be ready to roll-out new applications in line with business requirements.”
In addition, Debenhams will use the managed security monitoring service, BT Counterpane, drawing on BT’s highly-trained security experts and sophisticated surveillance technology to stay ahead of any software vulnerabilities, threats and malicious attacks the company may face.
Diane McAuliffe, director of retail & professional services, BT Global Services, said: “We’re thrilled that Debenhams has chosen BT. This is a landmark project that will transform Debenhams’ business critical IT systems, which we hope will allow them to steal a march on the competition, future-proof systems for the coming years, whilst delivering cost savings to the business.”
BT will overhaul the network at Debenhams stores, warehouses and datacentres over the coming months to ensure that the new systems are all in place ahead of the busy Christmas trading period.
BT will also deploy its Application Optimisation Service, using a combination of physical and virtual engines, which will allow Debenhams to monitor and see how individual applications are performing on the network and prioritise certain ones to maximise performance.