Bulldog sent us the following statement:
In line with our UK business strategy of serving the UK's largest users of telecoms here and internationally with IP-based services - and with our recent announcement to wholesale our local loop capability to other carriers - we are now looking for a provider to buy our Bulldog retail customer base.
There are a number of compelling reasons for this move; chiefly that it allows us to simplify our relationship with our wholesale customers - by making clear that we will not compete with them - and to simplify our operations. In addition, these customers are of more strategic value to providers focusing on a retail play.
We expect this process to take a couple of months - and will update you as appropriate.
Consolidation and bundling of other phone services with broadband seems to be the only way that smaller companies can profitably exist in today’s competitive markets.
Who will pick up the Bulldog lead remains to be seen.