Bulldog say they are committed to delivering a high quality service and to this end has been testing ADSL2+ technology since September 2005 with a representative selection of their customer base. The aim of the extensive trial is to ensure the stability of the connection at higher speeds and to gain maximum performance under different line conditions. Ultimately, this stability is crucial to ensure customer satisfaction and provide a platform on which additional services could eventually be launched.
The trial is providing an opportunity for Bulldog to understand how its customers will use the faster access speeds, and establish if there are any issues with the equipment customers need to connect to the service. ADSL2+ represents a confluence of technologies and standards, and operates over existing copper lines, and Bulldog has worked to iron out any possible kinks prior to launching a commercial service.
Once all the data is evaluated, Bulldog’s next generation high-speed service will offer substantially greater bandwidth and shorter download times for customers.
Bulldog say they are the first ISP to publicise such an extensive national ADSL2+ trials and is determined to deliver a superlative customer experience with the commercial launch of its product, both from a technical and customer experience perspective.
Following a full evaluation of the initial trials, Bulldog hopes to launch the ADSL2+ service commercially by the end of Q1 2006.
Bulldog chief architect, Gavin Young said, “As the web continues to evolve, we want to ensure that our broadband services meet the increasing needs of our customers. ADSL2+ represents the next evolution of broadband access, and this trial demonstrates our commitment to delivering a positive experience for customers looking to enhance their experience of the internet. ADSL2+ will also enable a new generation of internet services, and Bulldog will continue to innovate over 2006 to deliver these.”