A report from Modis International has found that over half of decision makers are being held back in terms of IT plans because of a lack of available funds. The same survey also stated that 43% of firms are looking for time and efficiency savings through IT– a 4% increase on last year’s figure.
According to Andrew Gilbert, Managing Director of data centre and communications firm Node4, with technological advancements taking place at breakneck speed, companies that don’t implement develop and implement sustainable IT strategies could get left behind.
He said, “It would be naive of anyone to completely disregard the current climate that businesses are operating in at the moment. Business confidence is low and with economic growth forecasts cut recently, companies are tightening their purse strings. Be that as it may, a comprehensive IT strategy is a priceless way of future proofing a business and ensuring its future.
“Businesses that are keeping a close eye on their spending now have a proliferation of options that allow them to make use of leading edge equipment without large up front capital investment. Outsourcing to data centres that allow for the operational expenditure of renting servers, as opposed to traditional capital expenditure, has afforded businesses with a greater deal of flexibility. It has also enabled them to plan adequately for the future. Despite this, there are still too many decision makers that don’t make use of these opportunities available to them.”
Node4 is a vocal advocate of the benefits of cloud computing, particularly those of the private cloud that has allayed security fears associated with the technology. When combined with ability to cut maintenance costs, outsourced data is an enticing prospect.
Gilbert added, “Forward thinking decision makers should weigh up the risks related with security breaches, noncompliance and excessive labour costs associated with outdated, inefficient and short sighted equipment and strategy. With these threats considered, there should be a greater deal of urgency when planning IT investment.”