The eight-strong team is being headed by John Osborne, who returned to the UK recently following a spell working in Tech Data’s European operations. He was previously in charge of the UK Components and Supplies business units. Now, following a successful period of growth, he is leading Computer 2000’s drive to extend higher levels of service and support to resellers on server and storage products.
“We see some excellent opportunities in the server and storage markets in areas such as consolidation, blade deployments, NAS and virtualisation”, says Osborne. “In all these are all areas solutions are now well within the reach of mid-sized companies and even small businesses and we’re going to be doing all we can to help resellers open up their potential. The team we have put together is knowledgeable, experienced and determined to succeed. We are ready to do more business in servers and storage.”
Computer 2000 has a great value proposition for SME resellers now with servers and storage, Osborne adds. “We have always been strong in terms of delivering excellent stock availability and distribution services on HP servers and storage and we now have additional technical and business development resources in place, so we can offer our resellers a much more complete service, a heightened level of competency and more focused support.”
Other key elements of the service that Computer 2000’s Servers and Storage unit is offering include guaranteed rapid responses to quote requests, the provision of specialist guides and access to the special HP ESS Demo Suite, which is equipped with a wide range of products including blade servers, NAS and SAN solutions. Resellers can use this resource to run live customer demos with the assistance of Computer 2000's experts or give technical staff the benefit of hands-on experience.