
Call Management gets the Blues

Call logging as a way of managing the cost of telephone calls and monitoring activity and efficiency has been around for a long time, but it is no longer an expensive or complex add on to a telephone system

Storacall Voice Systems has just launched the new ‘Blue’s Professional’ call logging software with pricing starting at just £185.00 + VAT for the full version. Blues provides real-time and historical analysis of telephone systems by recording the call data from any telephone systems including the latest IP PABX and then displaying it using a range of simple to read graphs and tables.

Blues Professional can be installed on a stand alone PC or on the network so that users can access any part of the system from their desktop subject to the necessary security permissions. The telephone directory for example can be made accessible to all employees or specified users, such as the personnel office, over the network.

The solution is scalable and therefore grows with the company and where the volume of telephone call is very high, it is possible to use MS-SQL, which can be operated together with the Blue’s Enterprise Pro software.