Marketing Director Mike Smythe commented, “IPECS had no “in-skin” vendor produced call reporting, BLF or phone management software applications so we decided to design and develop our own set of applications called iBOSS (Interactive Business Operation Software Suite) for our channel partners.
We have launched four editions of the iBOSS application; Lite, Agent, Executive and Business Manager. The lite version is included for all users as standard with any IPECS system but the full version is shipped complete with all applications licensed for a 90 day trial. Registration is simple via our web site and with system-wide licensing once an application is purchased, all users have access.
A simple cloud based provisioning system, also developed in-house by Capstan, auto provisions all users without an engineer having to visit the customer, and ensures the reseller get the commissions on all end user purchases.
The lite version includes features such as Station Programming and Busy Lamp Field whilst the Agent edition comes with five applications, which we call Widgets, including Call Management, Wallboard and Reporting. Further Widgets can be added via the cloud based automatic provisioning system.
We have also developed a ‘Helicopter View’ Widget which is a really neat application that graphically represents a view of the business in terms of office layouts, depicting desks and workstations to provide a clear view of the business and business activity as well as the ability to manage the business by dragging and dropping agents into call centre groups.”
Smythe concludes, “iBOSS really allows resellers to add value to their existing and new IPECS deployments, is simplicity itself to install and configure, and is fantastic value for money.”