Dave Siegel, director, says; “We are all aware of the industry buzz-words surrounding converged technologies such as LLU, SIP Trunking, and fixed-mobile convergence, but many partners are confused about where these technologies and our marketplace are heading. Highnet have always been at the forefront of new technology, so we wanted to share our expertise with our partners, so that they have the confidence to compete in this exciting market.”
The attendees were split into small groups, in which they worked their way around four workshops, each led by product specialist representatives from both Highnet and Gamma Telecom. The workshops covered Highnet’s latest products, which include: hosted IP solutions, SIP trunking, fixed-mobile convergence, LLU and WLR3.
Steve Ferriday, IP Telephony Specialist at Gamma, says; “We were really impressed with Highnet’s event today. By working in smaller groups, a greater level of participant interactivity was achieved, and the channel partners got hands-on experience with the products”.
Channel Partner Malcolm McGilvray from Dacoll Ltd remarked; “The workshops were enlightening and very well presented, allowing me to leave the event more informed and with much more confidence to talk about the products Highnet has to offer.” George Paterson from Clyde Solutions added; “The new WLR3 in particular should be a breath of fresh air to all Highnet resellers and should improve delivery and service to our clients no end! We can only praise Highnet for the commitment they have shown to us and the investment they have obviously made in WLR3 which gives us confidence that Highnet are serious with what they are doing.”