Channels will not only stop at cancelling their holiday plans, a staggering 90 per cent of work conscious channels would be prepared to stay up and work throughout the night to bring in new business.
Furthermore, over eight in ten (85%) channels would cancel plans with friends to pledge allegiance to their team. While, over a third (35%) would be willing to miss a family birthday party to get a client to sign on the dotted line.
Having shown just how far they will go to close business, the survey also reveals the secret to the channel’s success and what they believe helps them clinch a deal. Interestingly, four in ten (41%) cited needing good customer references to show prospective clients as the most important factor. Showing that, contrary to popular belief, the channel put more weight behind traditional methods of winning business, with only 2 per cent relying on wining and dining and slick presentations.
Third party recommendations also ranked highly with nearly a third (31%) admitting they rely heavily on good reputation and references to secure a deal. While nearly one in five (18%) deemed flexibility to be the key to success and believed it was their ability to negotiate on prices and contracts that differentiated them from the competition.
Graham Bevington, managing director, EMEA, Mitel, said: “It is very interesting to see the lengths that channels will go to in an attempt to win new business. We are not surprised at the high level of commitment and dedication amongst the Mitel channel community. However, it is worth remembering that, while it is commendable to work hard, it is also vital that a healthy work life balance is achieved. A stressed and overworked sales person is never as effective as one who’s healthy and happy in their day to day role.
2007 looks to be an exciting year ahead with the growth of applications and it certainly looks to be a promising for those who have perfected their sales skills.”