The conference, which was based on the theme of ‘Better when we’ work together’, featured speeches from key figures from within Chess, updating the business on its benefits package, where it is on its growth journey and the direction it will take in 2008.
More importantly, Chess’ conference also provided the perfect opportunity to pat Howard – the company’s little Wii elf – on the back for succeeding in his quest to get his hands on this season’s must have item – a Nintendo Wii!
The Wii had been requested by one of Chess’ top performing ‘Millionaire’ partners as a prize in the ‘Wrap it Up’ Partner Incentive and in keeping with its focus on loving its partners, Chess pulled out all the stops to make sure it gave them what they wanted – and this is where Howard came in!
Howard put his normal duties on hold to take on the challenge of locating the Wii in time for the conference. He used a variety of techniques and ‘insider knowledge’ to track down and try and intercept the latest deliveries and he found success in the nick of time!
With just minutes to spare before the start of Chess’ conference Howard eventually got his hands on the hallowed Wii and entered the event victorious. And it was a good job, because the lucky SMARTER Partner was waiting in the audience at Chess’ conference to collect the gift, on top of five iPods, a case of wine and some DVDs they had also won in the ‘Wrap it Up’ incentive.
Chess’ incentive rewarded SMARTER Partners with points based on the value of the deals they brought in, on top of their normal commissions. Partners were then able to exchange the points they had collected for a variety of gifts, enabling them to concentrate on sales and leave the rest, including their Christmas shopping, to Chess.
Innovative incentives such as ‘Wrap it Up’ are just one of the many benefits SMARTER Partners can take advantage of with Chess. Chess offers a variety of Partner packages, enabling dealers to develop a relationship that perfectly suits them and even capitalise on an established customer base without having to exit the market.
“Our winter conference was a fantastic event,” said Chess’ Chief Executive – David Pollock. “It’s a great way to get everyone together and reward and recognise the hard work and determination of Chess people and partners. 2007 was a great year for our business – we’ve overcome challenges, made and embraced change and won awards for excellence, innovation and service. Howard – our little Wii elf – was comical, but he also has a serious message behind him. His success in acquiring a Wii demonstrates our commitment to giving SMARTER Partners what they want now and in the future. 2008 will be an exciting year for our business and we are looking forward to the challenges and opportunities our future growth will bring.”