The theme for Chess’ summer conference 2011 was KISS – keep it simple stupid. It focused on Chess can make things simpler for their customers, partners and people. All Chess’ employees were invited to feedback sessions prior to the event in June to offer their suggestions. At the conference itself, as well as looking back at the companies successes of the last 6 months, the feedback was reviewed and future strategy announced.

David Pollock, Chief Executive of Chess, commented “Our promise to our customers and partners is simple; great products, great service, great people and to never be beaten on price - guaranteed. Our people love using KISS to deliver our promise.”
2011 has been incredibly successful for Chess so far; being announced as the Institute of Customer Services - Service Provider of the Year, the Sunday Times as one of the UKs 100 Best Companies to Work For, being recognised as a “benchmark for quality service” by the Customer First Awards and establishing a position as the market leader in consolidation of small to medium-sized resellers with securing a new £21m acquisition facility with Barclays Bank.