Now in its third year, the Cheshire Business awards celebrate the cream of the county’s business community. Several hundred of the region's business people, celebrities, dignitaries and politicians gathered at the gala dinner in Chester to pay tribute to Cheshire’s most successful businesses and individuals.
Since December 2005 Chess has focused on an enterprising and focused strategy of growth – its Blueprint for Success. Chess’ Blueprint sets out the reasons why it wants to grow, the importance attached to its culture and values and the vital areas it needs to focus on in order to achieve its future vision. A key part of Chess’ vision is to win business and industry awards for excellence, innovation and customer service. Chess’ string of awards successes over the summer season, culminating in winning Cheshire Large Business of the Year is testament to the achievement of this.
Eric Langton, Editor in Chief, Trinity Mirror Cheshire, said: 'The judges were struck by the enterprise and determination of people to make their dream, their vision, reality. It was wonderful to see so many examples of good ideas being turned into profitable business; and of managers and staff adapting, changing, training, adding skills and showing flexibility.'
David Pollock, Chief Executive of Chess was delighted with the business’ latest accolade. “Over the past twelve years, we have been committed to the growth and success, both of Chess, and of the Cheshire business community as a whole. It is fundamentally important to everyone in Chess that we are recognised as a performance benchmark in our region and winning Cheshire Large Business of the Year demonstrates that we are realising this aim. The standard of all of the businesses at the awards is evidence that business is currently thriving in Cheshire.”