BT’s wholesale calls service will underpin the voice requirements of Chess Telecom’s entire customer base. BT says the service allows Chess Telecom to compete effectively in the fixed line telephony market, without having to manage and maintain its own voice network. This not only generates cost efficiencies for the company, but allows Chess Telecom to focus on building and maintaining relationships with their customers.
Julie Wright, Chess Telecom Operations Director, said: “We have worked successfully with BT Group for many years but our recent agreement with BT Wholesale to significantly increase the amount of call traffic and provide us with a managed service is recognition of the increasingly strategic nature of our relationship. We are looking forward to working more closely with BT Wholesale on this project, and are looking at other areas of synergy in the near future.”
Colin Annette, BT Wholesale client director, said: “This agreement is a major step forward in developing the strategic relationship between Chess Telecom and BT Wholesale. We have unrivalled experience in the wholesale calls market, with the largest and most resilient network in the UK. We see lots of opportunities to work closely on other areas where we can help, for example Next Generation Access services for data connectivity, with broadband a key area of focus.”