
Cisco, TalkTalk, Micro-P & other majors sign up to Convergence Summit North

Networks & Network Services
The first major Channel event of the year, The Convergence Summit North (22/23 March - Manchester Central) is growing in stature with major industry suppliers signing up daily. The past week saw Cisco, TalkTalk Business (Opal), Micro P, O2, Thus, Servassure, Oaisys, Retell, NTA & Redcastle all show their commitment to the event.

Event Director, Paul Johnson said; "This years Summit North is growing at an unprecedented rate with many of the Channels big hitters pledging their support to what is likely to be the most successful event we have ever run in Manchester. Not only will there be more exhibitors for our visitors to meet and discuss opportunities with but we have also put together what we believe is our best seminar programme ever".

Continuing Johnson stated; "Our focus this year is on education and understanding the new technology areas which are offering resellers fantastic new revenue opportunities. We have secured some of the industries most senior and respected individuals to participate and we will be running more of our hugely popular Panel Debate sessions than ever before. In essence our delegates will be able to hear the vision of the individuals and companies that are shaping the Channel, learn about how to grow their businesses and much more".

This year's event will feature two seminar theatres with sessions running throughout. The seminar programme is available to view on the event website. You can also register in advance for FREE fast track entry to the show at