Trusol offers a ‘one stop shop’ for ICT in the classroom. It currently provides ICT installation services and support contracts to over 250 primary and secondary schools across London.
“We found we were constantly being asked for IP telephony by schools,” said Neil Goodhead, Managing Director, Trusol. “We needed to be able to offer our customers a solid, well managed telephony service that would allow us to monitor and support remotely, in the way that we do with other technology applications.
We found it in Call Navigator IP. Schools have a number of unique challenges when it comes to telephony - calls can’t just be placed through to classrooms at will, for example, and they all operate to such tight budgets that anywhere that savings can be made will be valued.”
“We believe that Trusol will really add value to Call Navigator IP™ for their customers,” said Simon Slater Thomas, CEO, Reality Telecom. “They really understand the needs of the education sector, the buying cycles that they are constrained by, and the issues that they have to address. They will be able to add a service level and empathy to what we believe is a world class service.”