The services distributor wants more resellers to experience the benefits of the service for themselves as a way of encouraging and inspiring them to sell it to their customers. John Carter, Managing Director of Cloud Telephones, is convinced that it will be an effective way of persuading more partners to take the hosted service to market.
“Once resellers have tried the Gamma Horizon service for themselves, they will want to sell it. We’re giving them the chance to experience the advantages of having very low telephony costs and a totally flexible way of working. They will then be much better-placed to convince customers. It is a very simple way of giving them the chance to preach what they practice.”
Many resellers are already successfully selling hosted VoIP services, he adds. “We are working with a growing number of resellers and we are generating more leads every day. Some of our partners have signed some very big contracts and they are seeing good recurring income as a result of that. There is more business out there and room for more resellers to get involved and start growing their business.”
As well as the free demo license and IP phone, Cloud Telephones supports resellers with an ongoing lead generation programme and active sales support.