Lewis has purchased two Class 5 soft switches with which to support his channel offering and says:
“As far as VoIP is concerned, we can talk forever on how the market may evolve – there is no consensus from any quarter and I don’t want to enter that discussion as I don’t know the answer. What I do know is that something is going on and I don’t want to waste time talking about the future when there is a new race under way. A race in which there will eventually be winners and losers but, and one thing is for certain – the world is going to be a very different place.”
The Club channel proposition is to sell partitions of the soft switch to resellers who in turn will offer and sell VoIP to their customer base. The entry price for resellers is around £5000 with a small monthly service charge and resellers transferring minutes to this service will break even on their investment at £1000 of minutes per month – most should be able to do this. Club Connect, the name of the new service, gives resellers a low risk opportunity to enter the VoIP race and benefit from the two and a half years experience Club has gained in researching and putting together this service offering.
Read more in the full interview in November’s Comms Business Magazine