Club Communications specialises in providing services to independent resellers, they have over 200 UK Resellers to whom they will now offer hosted IP and telephony application services. “The agreement between TeleWare and Club is one of the most exciting developments in Club’s 10 year trading history and is destined to substantially change the face of the UK reseller telecommunications Industry,” said Tony Lewis, Managing Director of Club Communications. “Becoming a TeleWare Service Provider partner will enable us to deliver a whole suite of best-of-breed hosted applications to our existing and new network of resellers,” added Lewis.
“Club and TeleWare have a natural fit as partners to bring these services to market,” explained Peter Orr, Sales Director of TeleWare plc. “Club do not have any end-user clients, they specialise in channel distribution. They will provide an excellent channel service to independent resellers looking to sell value added business services, as provided by the TeleWare applications, and thereby create value within these reseller businesses,” said Orr.
In addition, the TeleWare hands-off approach to system and service provisioning and administration, enabling web provisioning by the resellers through their online web administration portal, is highly compatible with the Club Communications approach. Club resellers today already order all services through their Web Interface.
Club Communications will offer the best-of-breed TeleWare services from their own platform and will utilise their own existing network connections. The platform will provide hosted VoIP services and the full suite of TeleWare telephony applications for business. It will be white labelled and packaged to Club Communications’ own specifications.
“Utilising TeleWare, combined with our existing relationships with Thus and C&W, enables Club to offer true business class IP telephony with guaranteed end-to-end quality. Club have just become the 1st real Tier 1 IP carrier in the UK,” added Sam Dawkins, Technical Director at Club Communications.
The ability to deliver telephony services and VoIP services from their own hosted platform using TeleWare was announced by Club Communications at the ‘Margin in IP’ event this week. The new platform will shortly be installed and commissioned, with Club expecting to be in a position to accept advance orders for service in Mid December. Club have already begun to sign Reseller partnership agreements for the services.