The report evaluates the capabilities of vendors of end-to-end Service Assurance and Service Fulfillment products and assesses those that deliver multi-service and multi-technology OSS solutions on a global scale. Gartner positions vendors within a particular segment based on their completeness of vision and ability to execute that vision.
Comarch’s Challenger position puts the highest weight on the criteria of Product/Service and Market Responsiveness, which proves that the company’s products in the Service Fulfillment and Assurance areas are strong and dynamically respond to the needs of service providers.
The report sees Comarch’s main strength in “a strong framework approach, and an open and flexible architecture based on service-oriented architecture and business process management principles, (that) ensure ample interoperability with legacy systems.”
“We are very pleased to be placed in the top 12 OSS vendors worldwide. Comarch keeps strengthening its Challenger position in Europe, gaining trust from a growing number of service providers, due to the flexibility of our products and strong competences of our engineers. This enables us to achieve a growth of around 30% year by year on the saturated and mature BSS/OSS market, which is about 5 times faster than the growth of the market itself (about 5,6% in 2009 and 2010, according to Gartner).Recognition of Comarch’s high ability to execute confirms that we succeed in achieving our goal of being a software provider that delivers results," says Piotr Machnik, VP Product Management & Marketing in Comarch’s Telecom Division.