As the country battens down the hatches now might be the perfect time to take stock and assess your business from top to bottom. In the latest live stream from Commms Business David Dungay spoke to Derek Owen, MD of Totem, Adam Zoldan, Director of KCF, Shaun Bodsworth, MD of Inform Billing, Barry Edwards, CEO of Splicecom and Ian Hargreaves, Group Finance Director at Incom-CNS.

Tune in live today at 11 am below.
Technology is changing our lives at a faster rate than ever before. For businesses trying to adapt to the new world they are encountering a number of challenges which are beyond their skillset. In this next episode of Comms Business Live, in conjunction with Totem Consulting, David Dungay, Publisher of Comms Business, spoke to a panel of different businesses that have been through the Totem Health Check to discover the weaknesses in their own businesses and how to address them.