The awards were oversubscribed as ever with more that 100 people disappointed not to have been able to buy a seat at the industry’s most recognised achievement event. A full list of winners is shown below but it was an emotional night with moist eyes in all corners of the room when it was announced that SDX Business Systems had won the Channel Achievement Award for Index.
Introducing the award, Editor Ian Hunter commented, “There are doubtless many people in this room tonight that owe, at least in part, some of their own success to this product which was designed and developed by a small UK company in Hertfordshire.”
Hunter called on stage to collect the award member of the original SDX management team, Frank Bretherton, Jeremy Cooke and Enda Kenneally. Sadly Bretherton could not make the show but Cooke and Kenneally were clearly touched to have received the award for a groundbreaking product that finally ceases production this month.
Categories & Winners
Reseller of the Year – (Turnover of up to £1m) - Comms Solve
Reseller of the Year – (Turnover of up to £5M) - M12 Solutions
Reseller of the Year – (Turnover of over £5M) - Prime Business Solutions
Switchless Reseller of the Year - Swains Voice & Data
Internet Service Provider of the Year - Telecomplete
Distributor of the Year - Crane Telecommunications
Network Operator of the Year - THUS
Convergence Solution #1 – (£100k value) - Microcomms
Convergence Solution #2 – (£100k+ value) - Universal Group
Best Training Operation - Crane Telecommunications
Channel Development Campaign - Westcon Group
Most Innovative Channel Product/Service - Swyx
Channel Service 2005 - 5i
Channel Sales Person of the Year - Paul Gibbs of MTV Telecom
Channel Achievement Awards - SDX Index
Overall Reseller of the Year - M12 Solutions
Andy Bills, UK Managing Director for Swyx, winners of the Most Innovative Channel Product for Swyxware 5.0 commented, “We are delighted to have won this award. Over the last twelve months we have seen a dramatic increase in the interest from the UK channel is Swyx solutions, but version 5.0 has taken that to another level. The advancement continues with the announcement of version 6.0 this month which increases our market opportunity as a single platform for consumer and SOHO through our traditional space of SME in to the large enterprise and winning this award is important to the perception of Swyx within the major UK channel players.”
Throughout the show Comms Business Magazine ran a penalty shoot out competition raising more that £1000 for Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital