
Commsoft success at Summit North

Software vendor Commsoft exhibited once again at The Summit North after taking a late decision to participate but reported fantastic feedback to their product portfolio. In an email to the organiser Tony Church, Managing Director said, "I would just like to thank you for accommodating me at the show at such short notice, as I had doubted the markets interest and like many other manufacturers had opted out.

I have to say, I am so pleased that I changed my mind and have subsequently gained excellent results from exhibiting at the Convergence Summit North. New opportunities that have arisen from this include, partnerships, several great reseller opportunities and end-user additional sales In addition to the great turnout and steady flow of visitors, this year we sent invitations to our own customer base and in conjunction with some of our existing resellers took this opportunity to invite their existing customers and new prospects.

The end result was fantastic; see you at Sandown Park in October!"