The first of its kind in the UK, this new mobile package from Communic8 incorporates the new easy to use SmartLinQ GPS mobile with round the clock care support from Careline, one of Europe's most established care monitoring centres.
The SmartLinQ is a powerful quad band GSM device and can communicate via GPRS as well as SMS. Using the GPS functionality you can receive the location of the SmartLinQ with an accuracy of around 10 metres.
Other key features include the ability to set up to four safety zones that can provide either in or out zone alerts, and a choice of tracking intervals from 1 minute to every 60 minutes. Each handset is equipped with speed alerts and a motion sensor which can immediately identify an unusual situation such as a fall or complete lack of movement. The phone has the ability to programme up to four speed dial numbers and has a one push SOS emergency button which not only makes contact with a pre-defined number but will also send a message to the Careline emergency centre.
Operating round the clock, the Careline care monitoring and support centre will immediately answer an emergency call and be able to locate the exact position of the user via GPS. The highly trained operators will have access to the user’s medical history, contact details and other relevant information vital in a potential emergency. If immediate help is required, the operator will summon the appropriate emergency service to the user’s location and continue to communicate with the user until assistance arrives.
Careline, based in New Milton, Hampshire are convinced that combining their monitoring services with the SmartLinQ device will prove to be very popular.
Carl Atkey, head of Careline, commented: “Careline in partnership with Communic8 is very pleased to deliver a market leading product for the elderly, lone workers and remote alarms. Our strategic partnership with Communic8 enables us to deliver a service that we believe will be second to none.” He added “This is an ideal opportunity for Careline to expand its scope of monitoring solutions and provide high levels of safety and security for the people that we protect.”