At the show (Olympia, London, March 20th-22nd 2012), the Pay-OTT TV platform provider will demonstrate how service providers can personalize cross-device delivery by creating a system that allows users to enjoy one consistent experience, without the need to combine several fragmented solutions from different providers.
Tvinci will demonstrate its companion screen apps, which create an intuitive cross-device TV experience, functioning both as a ‘first screen’ and a ‘second screen,’ meaning users can choose whether to watch content directly via the tablet or use it as a companion device to the main TV set. Tvinci's companion screen apps, available on iPad and Android tablets, are not mere ‘add-ons’ for someone already viewing content on the Connected TV or STB. They make Connected TV viewing more accessible.
“In an increasingly mobile world, operators should provide an experience that recognises the consumer need for accessibility of live and premium on-demand content at any time,” said Ido Wiesenberg, co-founder, Tvinci. “The multiplicity of devices used to consume media within the household has raised fresh challenges for service providers. Our companion screen apps are part of our entire approach to OTT TV – each user enjoys one consistent experience, across any connected device. These Tvinci apps are not merely 'remote control apps' or a social information engines.”
Tvinci uses companion devices as part of an ecosystem: users can add their tablets to a list of ‘authorized devices’ that they directly manage, defining which specific devices (TVs, tablets, smartphones etc) are connected to a single subscription, and which specific users within a household can access the content. Service providers can define how many devices and users each household can add under a single subscription.